Local Projects Programs and Funding

The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) is the grantee (recipient) of Federal transportation funds for the State and, therefore, responsible for ensuring that funds are expended in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This responsibility extends to funds from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) passed through NDOT to subgrantees for transportation projects. Federal funds improve transportation infrastructure and enhances services to meet the needs of the public. NDOT’s subgrantees of Federal transportation funds, referred to as Local Public Agencies (LPAs), include counties, cities, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), educational institutions, nonprofit entities, etc. If an LPA receives Federal funding for any portion of work on a transportation project, all phases of that project must comply with Federal and State requirements. Compliance with Federal regulations is mandatory throughout the entire life of the project, which extends beyond construction and project close-out. The life of the project extends through post-construction activities such as maintenance of the facility and ensuring adherence to environmental commitments. Below are links to information about available Local Assistance funding.


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