
Mission: Working together to promote and support safe, reliable, affordable, and efficient public transportation in Nebraska.


Public transportation in Nebraska is a vital part of the solution to the state’s economic, energy, and health care challenges through providing an alternative in congested urban areas and serving as a lifeline to rural communities. Every $1 invested in public transportation generates approximately $4 in economic returns.


For more information or to find transportation:


Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  How do I find out if there is public transportation near me?

A:  Go to the Nebraska Public Transit website's Find Transportation page.


Q:  Is there any public transportation in the rural areas of the state or just in Lincoln and Omaha?

A:  82 Nebraska counties have some level of public transportation available.


Q:  How does NDOT support transportation in Nebraska?

A:  State statute identifies NDOT as the department responsible for improving and coordinating transportation services.  We pass through state and federal funds to eligible sub-grantees for the provision of rural public transportation and specialized transportation for the elderly and disabled.


Q:   Are there any ride sharing programs in Nebraska?

A:  NDOT manages a statewide vanpool program to connect commuters and subsidize eligible vanpools. Visit the Nebraska Public Transit website's Statewide Vanpool Program page for more information.


Q:  I am elderly and need an accessible vehicle.  Does NDOT provide funding to private individuals to purchase vehicles?

A:  No NDOT does not award grants to individuals.  Only public purpose organizations like a municipality or non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for state and federal funds.

Contact Our Team


Transit Manager - 402-479-4694


Vehicle Procurement - 402-479-4369


Site Visits & Compliance - 402-479-4368


Grants Management - 402-479-4403


Invoice Review & Approval - 402-479-4786


5310 Program & Agreements - 402-479-3127


Transit CARES Grant Information

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